Sunday, December 4, 2016

Essential Oil - Franskincense

People have been using essential oils for quite some time due to their therapeutic and healing properties. One oil, Frankincense is commonly used in aromatherapy, but it can offer other health benefits too!  Did you know that Frankincense can help relieve chronic stress and anxiety, reduce pain and inflammation, and boost immunity?

This oil can be used by inhaling it or absorbing it through the skin by way of a carrier oil or moisturizer. Please note when purchasing oils you want to ensure that it is not a fragrance or perfume oil as these can be synthetic and would not provide any health benefits. You want to purchase an oil that is pure and 100% like doTerra oils (you can find them here -

Frankincense can be used in the following ways:

Stress Relieving Bath-Soak -
It can give you the feeling of peace, relaxation, and satisfaction.  Just add a few drops to your bath.

Natural Household Cleaner - 
Frankincense oil can help get rid of bacteria and viruses from your home.  You can use it in a diffuser to help decrease air pollution and deodorize any room.
Natural Hygiene Product - 
Because it's an antiseptic it can help with your oral hygiene. You can even consider making your own toothpaste by mixing frankincense oil with baking soda.

Anti-Aging & Wrinkle Fighter - 
Frankincense is a powerful astringent.  It can help with blemishes, prevent wrinkles, and even lift and tighten skin.  Simply mix 6 drops of oil to an ounce of unscented oil and apply to skin. 

As you can see this is a powerful oil with many uses!

Reference:  The ancient oil that's been used to help fight migraines, depression, anxiety and cancer for thousands of years,

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