We wanted to take a moment and talk to you about acid-base balance. Let's start by talking about GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). The feedback we have received from clients is that those with a history of GERD had started feeling better shortly after changing their eating habits. One reason for this is that by including protein with each meal it helps bring balance. Basically, once protein is consumed it is acted upon by HCl (hydrochloric acid) and pepsin (an enzyme that breaks down protein) in your stomach. That means that much of the acid is consumed or neutralized. However, if you are one who eats a diet rich in carbohydrates and fat with very little protein that combination would not significantly reduce acid, thereby leading to GERD.
Next, we wanted to explain why we like you to avoid drinking soda - both regular and diet. Many people feel like diet soda should be fine because it lacks sugar and calories. However, it is important to know that soda is highly acid. In fact these drinks range from 3.2 to 2.5 on the pH scale and will unfortunately cause a negative effect on acid/base balance. What happens is the parietal cells of the stomach produce HCl/bicarbonate which raises the gastric pH to about 4.5. Now, if you have a diet soda or two with a meal (pH 2.5), the production of HCl/bicarbonate will be compromised. In addition, when all of that acid from the soda enters in the duodenum (initial section of the small intestine), the pancreas must try and neutralize it with bicarbonate, which releases more acid into the blood. And, if you made very little bicarbonate during digestive phase of the stomach you will have a large amount of acid entering the blood stream and the pH of your blood will begin to fall requiring the body to use another means of correcting the imbalance. A way to correct it is by leaching base minerals out of your bones, which therein causes them to become brittle.
Lastly, as we age our bicarbonate levels steadily decline. And, as those levels decline, its buffering actions for acidic wastes also decreases. That can cause a decrease in the pH of your blood. This is important because if the body has difficulty maintaining its physiological pH of 7.3 to 7.4 and there is insufficient amounts of bicarbonate to buffer acids, the body will resort to using the alkaline minerals from your bones.
So, what can we do? The good news is that by following our healthy eating plan you will be eating a very alkaline diet. Plus, by using our products which contain whey protein isolates helps keep things alkaline as well. This is also why we ask you to take alkaline mineral supplements like calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Those minerals, in addition to the foods we have you eat like the vegetables, and the sea salt all contain rich sources of alkaline minerals, which will help you avoid upsetting your acid-base balance.
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