Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Pets in Your Bed

(Heidi's pets, Isla, Hugo & Finn)

Hey Everyone, have you ever wondered if sleeping with your pets is a good idea?  Well, it turns out that allowing them in our beds can help us get a better night's rest by providing a sense of comfort.  And, did you know that women who were able to obtain better sleep were 33% more likely to hit their weight-loss goals?!  One thing to keep in mind though is to make sure your little guys are up to date on the vaccines because some diseases can be passed between people and pets.  Also, be sure they are free of ticks, worms, and fleas.  Lastly, pets should always be invited in your bed so they continue to see you as the top dog.  So next time you want to get cozy with your favorite furry friend go for it! 

Reference:  Eating Well, November/December 2016, Are Pets in Bed OK? (p.32).

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