Wednesday, November 23, 2016

One Step At A Time!

As we have said before this time of year can be quite challenging for healthy eating.  You may have some old, sabotaging messages about this time of the year in your head, or you may be bombarded with external triggers and have added responsibilities, worries, and stressors.  For you, giving into comfort food and beverages seems appealing, in the short-term.

As a Nutritionist, I want to act as your advocate, steering you in the right direction,  discussing realities, and helping to create a custom plan for now until January. As such, one thing you can do is to take things one step at a time, or one meal at a time.  This helps those of you who are feeling overwhelmed or who are being sabotaged by your unintentional, negative self talk.  That's why scheduling weekly appointment helps because we can review your daily meals.  Just remember, if you are eating 21 meals per week and you have one poor meal, that's only 1 meal out of 21.  By breaking down each day we can help alleviate any anxiety or negativity you are feeling towards your healthy eating habits because you will see that any obligations or functions you have during this time account for very little.

So, if you have been questioning scheduling an appointment for this time of year, you may want to reconsider.  Think of how much closer you will be to your goal if you start now instead of January!

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