Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Constipation: It’s More Important Than You Think

You might think that with all the fresh vegetables you're eating with the Ideal Weight Loss method, that constipation would be the least of your worries. Well, unfortunately, it's common. Here's why...and what to do about it.

It's important to talk about this because you may not be seeing weight loss if you are constipated.  If you are not having a daily bowel movement please talk to one of your coaches about this, and the severity of your constipation issue. Don't ignore the problem - be sure to stay ahead of it!

There are a few solutions that are helpful. Listed below are two examples of the methods that we can talk to you about at your appointment.

Peri-Colace – This is a gentle stool softener, which is safe and effective.  We recommend that you purchase the generic version, which will cost you less money.

Senekot-S - This is a gentle laxative and stool softener (in a pill format), used as standard treatment in all US and Canadian hospitals. We recommend that you purchase the generic version, which will most likely costs 50% less. You should follow the instructions as indicated on the bottle.

Magnesium Citrate - This inexpensive, clear liquid laxative is available in generic form at most any drugstore.  It can tend to be a little harsh if you use too much, but because it's liquid you can work your way up to a level that works for you. This can be helpful for an 'emergency situation' with constipation.

CALM - Magnesium is a mineral that can exert a counterbalancing effect against constipation (unlike calcium which can tend to worsen it).  Peter Gilham's CALM is a powdered supplement that's rich in magnesium and can be very helpful in countering constipation.  It usually works rather gently.  You can purchase it online or at many health food stores.

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