Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Ethyl Alcohol is a toxin, and although a rich source of calories, the cells of the body cannot use it as “fuel”.   Alcohol must first be converted to acetic acid through a specific series of biochemical reactions.

Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram. Alcohol is ultimately converted to a molecule of glycerol. Glycerol is one of the major components of triglycerides (fat), thus it promotes the production of fat.

Mixed drinks (hard liquor) have no health benefits and are empty calories.  They must be avoided until maintenance due to the production of glycerol.

Beer is inherently high in carbohydrates, but worse its main sugar is maltose, a disaccharide composed of two sugar molecules of glucose.  Due to this, beer will spike your blood sugar – even low carb beers can be a problem if consumed on a daily basis.  They must be avoided until maintenance due to their carbohydrate content, as well as the production of glycerol.

Red Wine can be consumed in moderation and has shown to have some positive health effects.  However, all wines must be avoided until the maintenance phase due to their carbohydrate content, as well as the production of glycerol.

Alcohol WILL make you overeat and it does prevent your body from breaking down body fat. The body sees alcohol as a toxin, so it will break that down first preventing the breakdown of body fat. And it gives a false sense of confidence that you can ‘undo’ whatever you ‘did’ the next day.  It will take your body 2-3 days to get back on track.

Plan: Avoid alcohol completely.  By its very nature, alcohol is a MOOD ALTERING SUBSTANCE.  After one, you will literally have a harder time saying no to the second because it has altered your mood since you started drinking. Alcohol and weight loss just do not go together.

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