Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Time Warping Sugar!

Heidi here again to share more information from the fascinating webinar I attended regarding the "Science of "Fat & Sugar".  Did you know that sugar changes the basic foundations of your life?  It also may affect the basic function of time. 

One hypothesis is looking at the perception of time passing can exert a stronger influence on blood glucose levels compared with the passage of actual time in type 2 diabetes. It turns out that the manipulation of participants perception of time resulted in blood glucose levels changing in accordance with how much time participants believed had passed, instead of how much time had actually passed.  This was an important example of the influence of psychological processes, which can directly be exerted on the body.

Essentially, it was showing that our mindset and expectations may play a role in management of obesity and type 2 diabetes.  Simply put, a purposeful life points to less obesity, and a bored life raises obesity. 

More research is needed on this topic. Stay tuned!

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