Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Non-Human Sugar & Link to Cancer

I received some interesting information from the webinar I took for my license on the "Science of Fat & Sugar".  Have you heard of "Non-Human Sugar"?  I hadn't until a few weeks ago. It turns out that this sugar is found in most mammals except humans.  This sugar is technically called "Neu5GC" and has been found to promote tumor formation.  That said, it has been found that people who consume a lot of red meat are at a higher risk for certain cancers.

A study published in Proceeding of National Academy of Sciences in 2014 discovered that mice who were engineered to be deficient in "non-human sugar" like humans and fed Neu5Gc resulted in significantly promoting spontaneous cancers.  So, that implicated Neu5Gc as a key link between red meat consumption and cancer. Another study looked at a second variety of mice that produced antibodies against Neu5Gc.  What happened was that when they were fed non-human sugar they developed inflammation and spontaneous tumors. 

Red meat is considered to be beef, pork, lamb, and venison.  These are all rich in Neu5Gc and rich in non-human sugar. With that in mind, it has been recommended to consume less red meat.

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