Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Meal Irregularity & Health

Some interesting news came my way through the "Science of Fat & Sugar" webinar I took a little while ago.  This time we will focus on meal irregularity - meaning either skipping meals or eating too frequently.  It turns out that meal irregularity is correlated with the following: Increased waist circumference (apple shaped obesity); increased triglycerides; increased BMI; increased diastolic blood pressure; and increased elevated metabolic risk factors.

Things to think about are avoiding skipping breakfast and lunch.  It's fine to snack and have 6 smaller meals, but these meals must be spread out by at least 3 hours.  Unfortunately, eating too often is just as harmful as skipping. Increased irregular food intake at or around breakfast and lunch was found to be the most harmful. 

If you are not already, try having a consistent eating schedule.  In addition, try preparing and planning ahead which makes meals and snacks a lot easier than flying by the seat of your pants.

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