Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Now that the weather is getting much nicer people tend to come out of hibernation to socialize.  While socializing is great, it can derail you from your healthy eating plan.  With that said, we wanted to provide you with a few tips to help you stay on track!

Don’t let your exercise routine slip:
We all have extra social commitments at this time of the year.  Find time before, during, or after the event to work in a workout. This is the number one thing that helps people prevent weight gain and is perfect for stress relief.

Control your mind:
Overeating at one meal or snack does not constitute a catastrophe or an excuse to keep overeating. When that happens simply get right back on track with the next meal.

Plan ahead:
Don’t go to parties hungry.  If you're in our weight loss phase try having a small snack like one of our protein foods or a small salad. And, if you're in Maintenance try having a yogurt, or some hummus with some vegetables, or even a handful of almonds, and a large glass of water before going to the party.

Be aware of “sneaky” calories:
A handful of nuts here, a few hard candies there, a cookie and a bite of a brownie add up to hundreds of calories.

Get enough sleep:
Being tired contributes to lack of control over food, and, studies have shown that less than 6 hours per night can increase a hormone in your stomach called “Ghrelin” which increases appetite and hunger — a major contributor to overeating.

Don’t station yourself next to the food:
If you're at a buffet simply take one serving of a few things to try (not everything at the table) and mingle. Try not to “hangout” by the food.

Include at least 5 fruits and vegetables in your diet every day:
This decreases the urge to eat too many sweets and snacks.

Keep portions in proportion:
Meat should be the size of your palm, starches about the size of a tennis ball, sweets the size of a small cookie, salty snacks one small handful — by ‘indulging’ in your favorite foods, but not overindulging you will not feel deprived but be able to keep your weight in check.

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