Tuesday, May 23, 2017

21 Meals

We wanted to take a minute to talk about times when a meal or two takes you off track from your plan.  The feedback we've received from many clients is that they feel guilty believing that what they ate was "bad" and therefore they feel bad. But, wait just a second!  If all of the rest of the food you ate was healthy one small set back is not the end of world.  Try breaking it down like this - there are 21 meals in one week, so if you had 20 healthy meals and only 1 unhealthy meal overall your intake has more wins than losses.  Even if you had 3 meals off track the majority are still within your plan's guidelines. 

In addition, try to focus on what you are doing in terms of healthy eating.  Then, if there truly is an area that needs tweaking think about how you do things differently next time. Or, if you need some assistance that's where we come in and can give you realistic tips and strategies.

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