Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Fat Loss

Let's be honest, there are a lot of weight loss plans out there - some more effective than others. We wanted to shed some light on our method so you can feel confident about following our plan.  At Ideal Weight Loss Center we focus on healthy eating, as well as healthy eating habits.  We not only teach you how to eat to lose weight, but we also teach you how to eat to maintain your weight. That said, our method encourages not just weight loss, but also fat loss.  That's why so many clients notice rather quickly that they are losing inches and that their clothing gets loose.  So, how do we do this?

Our plan is based on science and takes into account your body's chemistry, as well as its hormones.  Losing weight is a complex process, and is not simply about calories in versus calories out, but also looks at what those calories do and how they affect your body.  With that in mind, our plan is reduced in calories, carbohydrates, and fats and focuses on ensuring that you meet your minimum protein needs.  That's important because if you just cut calories across the board you may not be getting enough protein, and that's a problem because some of that weight you lost could be muscle.

There are a couple of reasons why we reduce carbohydrates.  The first reason is that the way our bodies are designed we always look to burn carbohydrates as our first source of fuel.  So, when we reduce carbohydrates you body will then look for an alternate source of fuel.  And since we're ensuring you're getting the minimum amount of protein, your body will utilize its fat stores. 

And, because you are losing fat and preserving your muscle most people notice the inches they have lost.  Pictured above are two fat models.  The one on the left is one pound of fat, and the one of the right is five pounds of fat.  When you follow our plan you can see how significant even one pound of fat loss is because it takes up quite a bit of space.  Now, can you imagine if you lost ten pounds of fat - wow!

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