Sunday, May 28, 2017

Flax Seeds

By now you have probably heard about flax seeds, but did you know that they carry a lot of health benefits?  That's right!  They are also an easy addition to your meals.  You can simply sprinkle a spoonful over any meal to add a nutrient boost.  Here are some benefits:

Decreases Arteriosclerotic heart disease (ASHD)
Decreases Tumor Necrosis Factor (reduces the number of breast cancers & size of tumors)
Reduces Interleukin-1 which promotes angiogenesis (the development of new blood vessels)
Decreases cholesterol (up to 18%)
Decreases Triglycerides (36%)
Source of alpha linolenic acid - omega 3, lignans, soluble fiber 
Gives a fiber boost
Reduce inflammation
High in antioxidants

It's amazing what this little seed can do! It even has 15 times more lignans than those trendy chia seeds.  Lignans block the effects of estrogen that could potentially help reduce the risk of hormone-associated cancers (breast, uterine, ovarian, and prostate).  In addition, lignans may be linked to a lower risk of heart disease.

Here's how you can prepare them:
Purchase a bag of whole flax seeds. Either soak them for 6-8 hours, or grind them yourself.  Keep in mind that once you grind them you will want to use them quickly as their medicinal properties break down rather quickly.  That said, if you want to retain those medicinal properties do not cook them as they are heat sensitive. Then simply sprinkle them over salads, add to smoothies, or add a spoonful to any meal.

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