Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Loopholes - Do you fall into any of these categories when trying to form a new habit?

When we’re trying to form and keep habits, we often search, sometimes unconsciously, for loopholes. We look for justifications that will excuse us from keeping this particular habit in this particular situation. However, if we recognize this behavior and catch ourselves in the act of loophole-seeking, we can avoid using the loophole, and improve our chances of keeping the habit.

There are many kinds of loopholes. Ten kinds, in fact. So every few days we will be posting about a category of loophole, to help with the Strategy of Loophole-Spotting.

Loophole Category #1: The False Choice Loophole
In this category, two activities are posed in opposition, as though you have to make an either/or decision, when in fact, the two aren’t necessarily in conflict. Here are some examples:

·         If I join that group, I won’t have any time with my children.
·         I haven’t been exercising. Too busy writing.
·         I don’t have time to work on my draft, I’ve got too many emails to answer.
·         If I go to sleep earlier, I won’t have any time to myself.
·         I’m so busy, I’ll make those appointments once things calm down.

Even outside the context of a habits, false choices often appear as a challenge to a happiness project. Is the habit that you want to foster really in conflict with your other values? Usually, if you’re honest with yourself, it’s not.

Reference: “Which of These 10 Categories of Loopholes Do You Invoke?” by Gretchen Rubin, February 5, 2014.

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