Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Losing Weight Can Be Fun!

Many of you who are overweight have probably heard a few of the following: Being overweight is associated with health risks, two-thirds of people are overweight, and that being overweight can complicate chronic conditions.  Plus, you may feel like you need to lose weight now!  Then you may have thought that means that I need to stop eating my  favorite foods, change my eating habits, and start being active. 

When you start changing your eating habits you may feel like you are already dealing with learning to say “no” to your favorite foods, and adopting activities that seem difficult and challenging, especially where exercise is concerned. With that in mind, have you ever thought that exercise can be fun, even relaxing or stress relieving? 

Here are five suggestions for activities that you can try this weekend that are both fun and burn a ton of calories:

1. Take a walking tour of a town/city.  First of all you will be getting some fresh air.  Plus, walking is a great activity! To make it fun try mapping out your town or city of interest with some places you would like to visit.  Maybe you have some historic sites you could see.  While you're at it why not invite friends or family to join you? To make the most of your day be sure to stop from time to time, bring water and a healthy snack, and most importantly go at your own pace.
2. Dance the night away. Some of you may be interested in dancing.  Why not see if your community offers group lessons and get involved.  This can be fun because you can get dressed up and bring a friend for a social activity. Plus, let's not forget the music! 
3. Become a dog walker. Do you like dogs? If you do this could be an avenue to pursue.  While getting in some nice walking, you can make some money and hang out with a cute companion! Did you know that there are actually dog walking apps such as "Wag!" where you can actually get paid to walk dogs. Or, you could just do it as a favor for friends or neighbors. Walking is a great, low impact exercise that works well when you are on a weight loss plan.
4. Play a game. Did you know that you can use video games to help you be more active? So, if you like video games and are looking to be more active you could try "Wii Fit!" or "Dance, Dance Revolution"!
5. Jump! Want to feel like a kid again?  Try visiting a trampoline park or take an an urban rebounding class. This is great form of exercise because it's low impact and easy on your joints while providing you a cardio workout! And, if you like it you can buy your own portable trampoline for your home.

Reference: 15 May 2018, Can't Losing Weight Be Fun?, http://www.robard.com/blog/post/2018/05/15/can-t-losing-weight-be-fun.aspx?utm_source=mailchimp&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=blogpromotion&utm_content=05152018&utm_source=RC+%26+ND+Prospects&utm_campaign=b71e8b195a-BLOG_PROMOTION_2017_10_18&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_cec7f3976b-b71e8b195a-393837989

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