Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Do I Really Have To Eat Leafy Greens?

"Do I really have to eat leafy greens when I follow your plan?", is a question that comes up often.  To answer it simply, yes you need to eat your leafy greens.  Here's why.

A new study in the journal Neurology found that when retirees ate one to two servings of leafy greens daily they were 11 years younger mentally on cognitive tests. That's significant!  The reason why is from the brain protecting nutrients leafy contain like folate, vitamin K, and lutein. For example, lutein has shown to reduce inflammation that can cause degenerative diseases. Also, folate may help with producing less amyloid plaques that are central to Alzeimer's.

In addition to including more leafy greens like kale, spinach, collards, and lettuce you can also include foods like edamame, asparagus, avocado, and artichokes.  It's like they say, let food by thy medicine!

Reference: Eating Well, May/June 2018, Your Brain on Salad (p.50).

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