Friday, May 11, 2018

Is Fast Food Making You Overweight?

Most of us have noticed that things need to be fast these days.  That includes food!  However, though there are some modern day conveniences with making things fast, it does not always make things better.  This is especially true with fast food.  Sadly, the trade off is fast weight gain

Did you know that according to a 15-year study of 3,000 adults, people who visited fast food restaurants more than twice per week gained roughly 9 to 11 pounds more than people who visited them less than once per week? Also, if you are consuming fast foods more than twice per week, you could potentially be putting yourself at risk for putting on a lot of extra weight.  

Even though there are many fast food options, they all tend to have something in common - more calories, total fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates and added sugars. The result of eating these foods with less healthy ingredients is being overweight and exceeding the recommended levels of fat and sugar. Plus, fast food  tends to be loaded with empty calories. 

We want to remember that the nutritional value of what we are eating is important as our bodies need proper nutrition from the vitamins and minerals, along with healthy fats, carbohydrates, and proteins in our foods to help support body function. Unfortunately, most fast foods contain substantially fewer vitamins and minerals, and are filled with carbohydrates and sugars that lack any real nutritional value. On the flip side, healthier foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables that contain more vitamins and minerals help us feel fuller longer and reduce daily calorie intake.

The convenience of fast food is a major reason many people choose fast food.  This is why we can support  you in making healthier food choices without sacrificing convenience, satiety, or even taste. Our meal replacements along with our other protein foods are scientifically designed for optimal nutrition, provide all the vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy weight loss, while decreasing caloric intake. Plus, with easy, convenient options like ready to drink shakes and bars, you can still grab and go without settling for empty, non-nutritious fast foods. 

Curious about how to integrate protein foods and meal replacements into your diet? Reach out to us!  

Reference: Is Fast Food Making Your Patients Overweight, 3 May 2018,

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