Saturday, April 7, 2018

Managing Special Diets at Gatherings

There's a lot to think about when entertaining.  One of the most important aspects is considering your guests needs and likes.  That said, we want to share a few tips to help make your next get together a success!

Here are some general tips:
  • Inform you guests when the meal will be served - That let' your guests decide if they need a little snack before they arrive.  Additionally, if you are not serving the main course close to arrival be sure to serve an appetizer like vegetables and hummus.
  • Check with guests to see what allergies, food sensitivities, and dislikes they have - This ensures that there will be something for everyone to eat.  It's not to say that you must completely cater the entire meal around this, but there should be an option for everyone invited.
  • Try to include health conscious items - Most of us are trying to eat healthier these days.  It's a good idea to provide a salad and at least one vegetable side.  Doing so will help accommodate the needs of your vegetarian/vegan guests too.
  • Consider serving the meal buffet-style - This allows for everyone to choose what they want and what works for them.  Organizing it this way lets you include traditional dishes along with some "diet-friendly" dishes. 
  • Offer simply-prepared dishes - Fewer ingredients make it easier for guests to know what they're eating. Plus, these dishes tend to be healthier.
  • Serve toppings/dressings on the side - This allows your guest to choose if they'd like a topping or dressing. For example, serve a dressing next to a salad, and leave other additions like croutons, cheese or nuts off to the side so they can make whatever additions they would like.
  • Keep recipes handy - This is helpful to guests with food allergies/intolerances - Providing a label spells out just what is in the dish. You can simply have the recipe written on a note card next to the dish. Be sure to have separate serving utensils too as these folks are very sensitive and cross contamination could trigger an attack.
  • Offer non-alcoholic drinks - Alcohol is not part of everyone's lifestyle for a variety of reasons.  Why not try some "mocktails" you can find online. Flavored and unsweetened sparkling water can be something nice to have as well.
Considering these tips will ensure everyone is satisfied and has a great time!

Reference: Health & Nutrition Letter, Tufts University, November 2017, VOL. 35, NO.9, Managing Special Diets at Holiday Meals (p.1-4).

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