Friday, April 20, 2018

Enrich Your Diet with Fruit!

Many of us have some sort of sweet tooth, and what comes along with that can be foods that are not always the best for our waistlines.  Let's be honest who doesn't like a homemade baked good like a warm brownie or chocolate chip cookie from time to time, or how about something more decadent like a gooey molten lava cake.  The list could be endless!  So, how can you choose something sweet that won't take you off your healthy habits?  Try adding some fruit!

Here are a few easy fruit swaps you can add:
1. Swap sugar-sweetened yogurt for plain yogurt with fresh or frozen fruit.
2. Swap salad croutons for a handful of thinly slices or cubed fruit.
3. Swap fiber or energy bars, and chips with fresh whole fruit.
4. Swap a glass of juice with the whole fruit.
5. Swap syrup for pancakes and waffles with heated fresh or frozen berries for a fruit topping.
6. Swap the jelly in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with apple, strawberry or banana slice for the jelly.
7.  Swap pie, cake, and other desserts for grilled fruit like apples, pears, pineapple or peaches.

Swapping less healthy sweet treats with fruit is a great way to go as it provides vitamins, fiber, and fewer calories.  Why not start today!

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