Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A "Mental Diet"?

When you start changing your eating habits at some point you will realize that there is a mental component to this.  That mental component can either help you succeed or fail.  To help you succeed try adopting these actions during the day. Let's break it down to what you can do at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

Breakfast - When your day begins take a moment, even if it's 5 minutes, to exercise and set a tone for the day ahead.  To be successful you need to start your day off with intention. If you can try to exercise during this time as there are less distractions along with more willpower.  Also, make time for breakfast and choose something healthy.  You want to feed your mind and body with healthy things.

Lunch - Schedule 15-30 minutes to eat lunch and take a break from your day.  If need be set an alarm.  As we know we already live in a fast paced society, so it is vital that you take some time for yourself. During this time, focus on what you are eating and how you are feeling.  That means pulling yourself away from your computer or device. Use this time to recharge in a calm environment while eating a healthy meal.

Dinner - This is a time where emotional eating can strike. It is also a time where willpower is depleted and cravings kick in.  That leads many to indulge in foods that are considered a reward for the day.  However, that habit can take you away from your health goals.  Instead, use that time to jot down how you feel in a journal or talk to someone about your day. As you prepare for sleep limit your screen time on phones or your T.V. so you can relax. Try a how bath, shower, or a good book.

Reference: Robard, August 2017,  A "Mental Diet" for Weight Management,

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