Wednesday, March 7, 2018

What You Need to Know About Weight Loss

Let's face it many of us are either trying to lose weight or trying to maintain our weight.  As a result, most of us want a quick solution.  The only problem with that is that weight loss really involves making a life style change that is sustainable.  Additionally, losing weight takes time.  With that in mind, we wanted to touch upon a few things that we feel you need to know.

1. Crash Diets - Be aware of any diet that promises you quick results.  Many times they are not effective for long-term weight loss.  Plus, you are not invested in them for long so you have not learned new habits or even unlearned poor habits.  Remember, you want to choose something that is sustainable and that you can follow for life.

2.  Quality Matters - You want to ensure you are eating high quality foods.  When it comes to calories, the quality of your intake makes a difference!  Healthy food contains necessary components that fuel your metabolism.  You cannot say that about processed foods which offer very little nutrients.

3.  Lose Fat, Not Muscle - The type of weight you lose matters!  You want to lose fat, not muscle. That's because muscle is a metabolically active calorie burner. In order to achieve fat loss it is important to seek out a highly trained health professional who understands the science behind weight loss.

4.  Metabolic Shifts - At some point after losing weight your body will become more metabolically efficient.  That means you will need to consume less food to further your weight loss. Again, that is why sparing your muscle will help you.

5.  More Than Exercise - Many people believe exercise is the key to losing weight.  Unfortunately, what you put in your mouth matters most.  Don't get us wrong, activity will help you, however most people do not truly burn enough calories to lose significant weight with exercise alone. Plus, your boost in activity can give you a false sense of its actual effects, which leads people to eat more calories after a workout.  

6.  Exercise Helps with Weight Maintenance -  Once you have reached your weight loss goal exercise can help you to maintain your new weight.  This is because exercise helps you to build and maintain muscle. That's important because muscle burns more calories at rest and when we are active. That means more calorie loss any time you engage in activity!

7.  Appetite Control - We need good strategies in place to help deal with both the powerful hormonal and psychological triggers by way of hunger and cravings.  Sadly, each time you give in to those feelings you are reinforcing negative behaviors. With that in mind, here are some tips to help you take charge!

  • Plan & prepare your meals in advance to help prevent last minute choices.
  • Eat meals and snacks at the same time daily.
  • Consume fiber rich foods as well as protein into your daily intake to keep you feeling full.
  • Add herbs and spices to your food to promote satisfaction and prevent boredom.
  • Take time to eat your meals so you can really enjoy them.
  • Remove foods from your environment that trigger cravings. Instead, make sure you have healthy options like fresh fruit, cut up vegetables, or nuts for a snack.
  • Find ways for stress reduction that does not involve food.  For example, take a walk outside, go to the gym, take a bath or hot shower, or listen to some music.
  • Distract yourself with activities to help control cravings and hunger such as getting involved in a hobby, gardening, playing an instrument etc.
Reference:  Health & Nutrition Letter, Tufts University,March 2018, VOL. 36, NO. 1, Weight Loss: No Quick Fixes (p.3).

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