Tuesday, August 30, 2016



Heidi here to talk about what brings some clients into our office.  What's that you may ask?  Plateauing.  We have spoken to many people who have done well already by cleaning up their diets and incorporating healthy habits.  That's excellent!  However, at some point these people stop making progress and don't know why.  They reason that they are choosing healthy foods, but don't understand why they aren't losing more weight.  That's where we come in and do a little detective work.  In most cases we find that although healthy habits have been formed without the knowledge of professional in our field plateauing tends to occur.  Usually it take just a few tweaks and then the weight continues to come off.  Some of these tweaks may be levels of activity, types and amounts of food eaten, and food combinations, among others. If you or someone you know if having difficulty losing weight contact us.  We are here to help!

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