Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Spreading Protein Needs throughout the Day Boosts Muscle Mass


As we age, starting into our thirties we begin to lose muscle mass.  With that in mind, a 24-week clinical study was conducted to see if extra protein at breakfast and lunch would help improve lean tissue mass in healthy older adults.  What was found was that spreading protein throughout the day, rather than just focusing it on dinner helped!  Specifically, consuming 25-30 grams of protein per meal seemed to maintain muscle mass and function in older adults. And, spreading your protein intake during the day better matches your muscle needs.

Here are some protein suggestions to incorporate during the day to help give your muscles a boost:

  • Cottage Cheese (low-fat) – 28 grams
  • Chicken Breast (roasted) - 27 grams
  • Turkey (white meat, roasted) – 25 grams
  • Lentils – 18 grams
  • Greek Yogurt (6 oz., nonfat) – 17 grams
  • Peanut Butter – (2 T.) – 9 grams
  • Milk – (low-fat) – 8 grams
  • Egg (1 whole, poached) – 6 grams


Try adding some protein to breakfast and lunch if you’re not already. Go ahead, give it a shot! 


Reference:  Health & Nutrition Letter, Tufts University, April 2016, VOL. 34, NO. 2, Protein at Breakfast and Lunch Boosts Muscle Mass (p.7).

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