Sunday, April 3, 2016

Can Owning A Pet Help With Weight Loss?

Heidi here again to share interesting news for you pet owners.  My husband and I are pet owners of three lovely dogs pictured here - Isla, Finn, and Hugo.  I thought I would share some insight about pet ownership and weight.  Did you know that having a pet can help you lose weight?

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) owning a pet has many health benefits.  Here are a few:

Decrease blood pressure
Decrease cholesterol and triglyceride levels
Opportunity to exercise and spend time outdoors
Opportunity to socialize with other pet owners and decrease feelings of loneliness

In short, many food related health problems like high blood pressure and high cholesterol can be reduced simply by owning a furry friend! This does not take away from healthy eating and exercise of course, but think of your pet as another tool in your toolbox to a healthy lifestyle.

Reference:  Fooducate, Daily Tip, Can A Pet Help You Lose Weight?, March 19 2016,

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