Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Self-Directed Change

You’ve heard that practice and good coaching are necessary to make changes.  Did you also know that self-monitoring, self-evaluation, and self-reinforcement are other tools that you can use to help you successfully make behavioral changes? Let’s talk more about what these are:

Self-Monitoring – this is an activity where you notice any behavior that you would like to change.  For example, it can be one that you currently do in excess and want to decrease such as eating junk food when watching TV. It can also be one that you would like to incorporate into your lifestyle like exercising.  In order to self-monitor you’ll need a way to keep track of its frequency and duration.

Self-Evaluation – This involves comparing the results that you recorded when you were self-monitoring to the goals which you had in place.
Self-Reinforcement and Action Planning – This focuses on your reaction to your results of self-evaluation.  If you reached your goal (example – exercising 4 times per week) then you receive a reward (example – watching your favorite t.v. show) and the behavior is continued.  However, if you do not reach your goal then it’s time to think about what prevented you from achieving it.

We use these tools at Ideal Weight Loss Center to help you not only achieve your weight loss goal, but also to help you continue to maintain your weight.  To learn more contact us for an appointment.

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