Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Should I Try A Detox Diet?

Detox cleanses seem to be all the rage these days, but are they really necessary?  Simply put, no.  To further explain, there has been no evidence to support that these diets provide any detoxification effects.  Remember, we as humans already have a wonderful organ that does this for us, our liver.  

Another thing to touch upon is that the popular juice diets that supposedly cleanse the body are extremely low in calories and nutrients, in which case could contribute to muscle wasting.  And, consuming only liquids that are very low in calories can lead to light headedness, low energy, and an inability to concentrate.  Lastly,  after following a detox diet for a few days will most likely cause you to be so hungry that you rebound and overeat.

The bottom line here is that if you are interested in naturally detoxing your body start by including more fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet, drinking more plain water, and cutting out processed foods.  You will then see how much better your body feels.

Reference:  Fooducate.com, Pro Tip: "Should I Invest in a Detox Cleanse?", August 18, 2014.

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