Saturday, September 2, 2017

Nutrients for Metabolism

At Ideal Weight Loss Center we encourage healthy eating whether that means focusing on losing weight or  maintaining it.  With that in mind, we want to talk to you about how important healthy whole foods are to your metabolism and why we encourage you to take supplements - particularly during our weight loss phases.

Though food is delicious it serves a purpose in terms of our health and how we function. That said, did you know that there is an important relationship between proper nutrition and the Kreb's Cycle?  So, what is the Kreb's Cycle?  Simply put it is a series of chemical reactions that make up one phase of cellular respiration.  This is important because this is a major way which your cells create energy. What's neat is the very food you eat contributes to this process and effects your cell's ability to perform this cycle.

Carbohydrates are important to this process as it is what drives the Kreb's Cycle in your cells.  After you eat carbohydrates your body starts to break down those molecules into glucose (simple sugar). Next, you body changes the glucose into what is called pyruvate. That is why including healthy carbohydrates like vegetables, fruits and whole grains into your daily diet is so important as it drives metabolism. 

Now let's look at protein and fats as they help with metabolism as well. Some amino acids from protein contribute directly to the Kreb's Cycle, while others help your body to create pyruvate or acetyl CoA, which help to start the Kreb's Cycle.  This is why we encourage you to consume these two macronutrients on our program. In addition, they both help maintain protein-rich tissues like your muscles.

Next, food contains vitamins that have an effect on the Kreb's Cycle.  Specifically, your B vitamins play a direct role.  They are needed to create what is called flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD).  FAD is necessary for your cells to carry out the Kreb's Cycle and is used during the eighth chemical reaction of this cycle.  Vitamin B comes in handy because it is used to help generate enough FAD to keep the Kreb's Cycle going.  Riboflavin (B-2) is a form of vitamin B required. Other B-vitamins like B-1 help with this cycle too.  These vitamins are essential to this cycle. You can find vitamin B-1 (thiamin) in pork, ham, whole grains, nuts, and legumes.  B-2 (riboflavin) is found in milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, meat, leafy green vegetables, and whole grains. This is why our Multivitamin is required in our weight loss phases. You want to remember when you are eating less food that means you are eating less of these vitamins, so supplementing is crucial to ensure this cycle of metabolism is working correctly.

Consuming a healthy diet is critical to healthy metabolism.  Unfortunately, for those of you who are not doing so you may be affecting your Kreb's Cycle because being deficient in some vitamins may have a negative impact for your body to perform all parts of this cycle. That means your energy production within your cells in reduced! To help prevent this, focus on eating a diet filled with produce, whole grains, lean proteins, nuts, and beans.  All of these foods provide you the carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and vitamins that are necessary for proper metabolism.

Reference:  The Relationship Between Proper Nutrition and the Krebs Cycle, Tremblay, Sylvie, June 2015,

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