Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Sustainable Protein

We wanted to take a minute to talk about sustainable protein sources.  As many of you know our program ensures that you are meeting your minimum protein intake.  However, we'd like to dive a little deeper and talk to you about our environment. 

Though consuming lean sources of meat from beef and lamb are quite tasty and pack a protein punch, they also take a toll on the environment.  This is due to the land needed for these animals, as well as the harmful emissions such as greenhouse gases that are emitted.  We're not saying that you need to go out and start eating insects and soy-based imitation meat, but we are saying you may want to consider making small changes.  For example, try shifting towards chicken and eggs as there is less land associated with these protein sources.  Even this small change is impressive as that benefits are close in magnitude to insect and soy protein options.  In addition, just reducing your protein intake from beef and lamb helps too!  We hope you will give some thought to this idea!

Reference:  Health & Nutrition Letter, Tufts University, July 2017, VOL. 35, NO. 5, Seeking Sustainable Protein Sources (p.2).

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