Friday, March 31, 2017

Testimonial Time!

We love helping our clients make lifestyle changes to improve their health!  We are so thankful too that we are chosen to go on this journey with you! At Ideal Weight Loss Center we have designed a program that includes nutrition education, lifestyle modification, individual counseling, and long-range maintenance strategies.  Specifically, we design a healthy eating plan tailored for you that is affordable, while providing you with exceptional service, support, and education.  We always say that our goal is to help people achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Most importantly, we teach you how to keep the weight off once you have lost it. With that in mind, here's a nice success story we wanted to share!

"My weight loss wakeup call arrived in May 2016.  I had stepped on the scale and was back up over 200 pounds.  I had finally hit that point in my life that I needed to take control and stop yo-yo dieting as many call it.  I had finally reached a mind over matter state of being where I needed to do something about my weight and only I could make that decision.  All the excuses and telling myself I will do it someday needed to stop.  “Just do it” needed to be my focus. Not sure why so many negative thoughts consumed me all the time, I think it’s just how uncomfortable I was on the inside and how I hid from the truth the scale showed.  The secret to my success was making the call to Ideal Weight Loss and finding the guidance and support from Heidi.  For so long I had been doing everything my way and this needed to change.  I suffered from a bacterial stomach infection for over 5 years and ignored the signs that my body was giving me after I made bad food choices.  I would end up with rashes, upset stomach, and even bloating.  But my addiction to food always took main stage.  Once I started losing weight with Ideal Weight Loss, I knew that I had finally found something that made me feel more alive, determined and proud.  Following the lifestyle changes Heidi and Ideal Weight Loss provided was actually simple compared to any choices I had make before.  It took me several weeks to realize that my mind and body didn’t need all those “poor choices” to survive and I stopped craving them.  With Ideal Weight Loss I have become center stage and food is no longer running and ruining my life.   I have taken control over something that had dominated me for over 20 years.  I am extremely grateful for my relationship with Heidi and the Ideal Weight Loss program.  I can finally stand in front of the mirror with confidence, strength and appreciation for myself that was missing for so many years".

- Lyndsay S.

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