Sunday, January 22, 2017

A Breathing Technique to Help Fall Asleep

Many of our clients have told us that they have trouble with sleep.  The problem with that is that it can wreak havoc with your health.  Specifically, it affects mood, decision making, productivity, and even our weight.

Reasons why we have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep is that we tend to be over scheduled, work too much, and don't take time to relax.  That causes too much stress and worry.  Neither helps with sleep.  But, what if we told you there is a simple technique that you can use the next time you have difficulty with your sleep?

This breathing exercise is called "The 4-7-8 Breathing Technique" and only takes a few minutes of your time.  Here's what you do:

  1. Make sure your posture is such that you are not restricting your ability for deep breathing.
  2. Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind your front teeth. Try to keep it there through the entire breathing sequence, even during the exhale.
  3. Begin by exhaling completely.
  4. Inhale through your nose to a count of four.
  5. Hold your breath for a count of seven.
  6. Exhale through your mouth to a count of eight.
  7. Finally, complete the sequence three more times.
At first you may feel light headed, which will lessen over time.  This technique can be a useful tool.  The reason why this breathing exercise acts as a natural tranquilizer is that the slowing of your breath, while filling your body with oxygen,  and forcing you to focus on your breath instead of other thoughts allows your body to relax enough to fall asleep. 

Try this easy exercise the next time you have problems falling asleep! 

Reference:  This Relaxation Exercise Can Help You Fall Asleep In 60 Seconds,

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