Tuesday, February 16, 2016

More on Bitter Compounds

More on bitter compounds!

Here are more compounds found in bitter foods that provide a multitude of benefits!  Read below to see what healthy things are in the foods that you eat.

Found in: tomatoes, citrus fruits like grapefruit
What it does: Associated with improvements in diabetes, obesity and cognitive diseases. May also protect cells from UV damage.

Found in: Berries, black beans, cherries, peaches, pomegranate, plums, red onion, eggplant, red cabbage
What it does: Improve vision and protect against aging, heart disease and cancer. The antimicrobial properties they possess may even help prevent foodborne illnesses, by killing pathogens before they have a change to make us sick.

Found in: Apples, onions, leeks, rasicchio, radishes
What it does: Acts as an antihistamine and has anti-inflammatory properties that may protect agains heart disease and cancer
Found in: Apples, berries, cocoa, grapes, kiwi, avocados, mangoes, hops
What it does: Mitigates tumor growth and helps prevents bacterial infections, such as UTI's

Found in: Olive oil
What it does: Has been shown to inhibit cancer cells - and has anti-inflammatory effects similiar to ibuprofen

Reference: Eating Well, January/February 2016, A World of Bitter (p. 76-77).

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