Sunday, July 19, 2015

Naturally Flavored Waters

Hi again, Heidi here for some tips of how to get in more water for those of you out there who simply dislike the taste of water.  Many of our clients have voiced that they just don’t care for the taste of plain water and are always looking for more alternatives.  The problem is that many of the flavored waters on the market today add sugar or poor alternative sweeteners, as well as chemicals to impart flavor.  That said, why not try flavoring your water with natural flavors like lemon, lime, cucumber or mint!  Believe it or not these items provide refreshing flavor that are also good for you.  See below:

Lemon Water:
·         Boost immune system
·         Energize and enhance mood, and reduce anxiety
·         Aids in liver detoxification from the citric acid
·         Balance body’s pH
·         Helps with weight Loss
·         Helps fight hunger cravings
·         Natural diuretic – allows toxins to be released from your body
·         Vitamin C helps skin purge toxins

Wash one lemon and slice.  Remove any seeds and add to a glass pitcher of water.  Chill and serve.

Cucumber, Lemon, and Mint Water:

Rehydrates body
Acts as an anti-inflammatory
Helps with weight loss
Helps with digestion
Fights bad breath
Provides antioxidants
Good source of B vitamins

See above

Provides a touch of sweetness without added sugar
Helps settle stomach
Aids in digestion

Fill glass pitcher with water.  Wash lemons 2 to 3 small lemons and 1 cucumber; then slice thinly. Add lemons, cucumber, and 10-12 mint leaves to pitcher. Chill and serve.

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