Thursday, November 16, 2017

How To Tame Temptation

Many times the end of the year signals us to give in to tempting foods that are tied to the season.  With that in mind, we have some tips to help you avoid end of the year weight gain.

Your Environment:

When we eat out or go to a party, this makes it harder to focus on our healthy eating as we are faced with many tempting food choices that may not be part of our healthy eating plan.

Action:  Plan what you are going to eat, or if it’s appropriate bring a healthy dish to share.  You can also review the menu online and choose BEFORE you get to the restaurant if you are dining out.  In doing so, you can enjoy the conversation and not have to worry about making a healthy food choice, as you made the choice in advance and now can relax and enjoy.

An Abundance of Tempting Choices:

Studies show when people are given 3 choices, they eat 3, given 5 they eat 5, etc. Go into each encounter with the mindset that you do not NEED to try everything. Pick 3-5 foods that you feel you must try, limit the portion to ½ cup of each, and station yourself AWAY from the food.  Focus on the conversation, not the food!

Plan: YOU need to be the one to bring the healthy choice.  Find an “Ideal” recipe you like from our Web site with lots of vegetables and/or protein and bring it to share.

Your Friends and Family Are Not Practicing Healthy Behaviors:

They consistently overeat and/or do not exercise regularly, or they encourage you to eat unhealthy foods or drink too much.

Action:  This is a tough one.  For your own mental and physical health, you may need to decide to spend less time with those of your friends practicing unhealthy behaviors if you want to reach your weight loss goals.  Studies show that we practice the behaviors of the people around us. Surrounding yourself with people who exercise and make it a goal to eat healthier regularly will help you get closer to that trim healthy body.  If you continue to socialize with those living with unhealthful habits, try to take the focus away from food, or go into the event knowing you are going to need to exert more will power!

All Events Revolve Around Food:

Plan: Be the one to suggest an alternate activity.  Most people ARE trying to lose weight or not gain, and want to be more physically active.  Suggest a walk or a hike, or maybe go to the mall and grab a coffee/tea (but plain, not a double chocolate latte), but not necessarily a full sit down dinner. Alternate socializing at each other’s houses, and make healthy meals to minimize the temptations to overeat.

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