Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Top 10 Reasons for Irregular Weight Loss

Hey Everyone, from time to time clients inquire about their irregular weight loss.  With that in mind, we created a list to help you if you have been experiencing a shift in your weight loss.  Usually by reviewing the list below people are able to pinpoint what needs to be changed.  We hope this helps!

1.   Am I keeping a food journal?
People who journal throughout the program have the best success and are able to reach their goals. 

2.   Am I cheating and making allowances for items that are not part of the plan?
Each time you cheat it hinders your progress for 2 to 3 days. Also, it compromises your overall success with the program because you are not allowing your pancreas to rest.

3.  Am I constipated – either not having a bowel movement every day, or when I go it hurts or it’s hard?
Drinking at least 8 to 10 glasses of water, plus more will help, as well as increasing your vegetable and leafy green intake. Try making the vegetable soup recipe, which helps eliminate constipation due to its vegetable content, as well as the broth is helpful because it provides much needed liquid to soften stool.

4.   Am I skipping meals?
It is vital to eat all the food required on the plan because where this is already a reduced calorie diet, by skipping meals and reducing the calories even further your body will think that it is starving, and you will not be lose weight.

5.   Am I eating every 3 to 4 hours?
It is important to eat every 3 to 4 hours to help fuel your metabolism.

6.   Am I drinking at least 8 to 10 glasses of water every day, plus more with caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea?
Water helps flush fat out of the body.

7.   Am I eating 4 cups of vegetables every day?
Vegetables provide much needed nutrients and vitamins. Also, they help provide bulk to help flush out waste.

8.   Am I eating leafy greens every day?
They provide roughage to help flush out waste from the body.

9.   Am I eating enough protein - between 5 to 8 ounces of lean protein, 2 shakes, and 1 bar daily?
Protein preserves your muscle mass, which is important because muscle fuels your metabolism and the faster your metabolism is the more calories you burn. 

10. Am I drinking alcohol?
Alcohol stops you from burning fat, and puts you into a fat producing mode.

For Women:  Do you have PMS?

o   PMS can cause a 3 to 4 pound water weight gain, which is temporary, so you may not see a weight loss on the scale until the next week.  Again, this is only water and you are still burning fat. 

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